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Last year, a majority of Republicans also supported same-sex marriage for the first time. Catholics, meanwhile, have held a majority approval of same-sex marriage since 2011. Protestants, including all non-Catholic Christians, had a majority approval for same-sex marriage for the first time in Gallup’s polling in 2017, at 55 percent. Subgroups that had long been majority-opposed to same-sex marriage also have switched to a majority approval in recent years, such as Americans aged 65 and older, 53 percent of whom approved in Gallup’s polling in 2016. Hodges legalizing same-sex marriage federally, that support for same-sex marriage hit 60 percent approval in Gallup’s polls. It was not until 2015, right before the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obergefell v. The survey giant noted just 27 percent of respondents supported same-sex marriage when it first began asking about the topic in 1996 and majority approval did not occur for another 15 years. The previous high, 70 percent, was recorded last year.

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Support for same-sex marriage reached a new high in Gallup’s latest polling, rising to 71 percent of respondents who now say they are in favor of it.

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